John, the Immigrant

  Here is what one researcher has to say about John Ferguson of Essex
  County, VA origin, based on a letter I recieved.

  John Markham Ferguson Jr states John was probably brought to America as
  a deportee/indentured servant in 1667 (Patent Book 6, pg 45). married
  Ann Stubbleson in 1683 (Book D7, pg 129)

  Summary of John Markham Ferguson Jrs theory: He claims (at least to his
  satisfaction) to have discovered our immigrant ancestor, John (and his
  brother James), who arrived on a ship (Phoenix of Leith) out of Leith,
  port of Edinburgh, Scotland in May 1666. James Farguson (sp), age ca 14,
  was indentured servant to Otho Thorpe. It seems that the period of
  servitude at that time was 10 years to repay the cost of transportation.
  If the "servant" completed the term, he was to be given 40 acres and a
  new suit of clothes. If he was released early, he would receive nothing.
  John was allegedly released after 9 years with nothing. 

  John Ferguson Sr was imprisoned in Edinburgh Tolbooth at age 14 yrs. The
  Edinburgh, Scotland, prison was in Tolbooth(Tolbuith). In May 1666, he
  sailed on the Phoenix of Leith out of Leith, port of Edinburgh,
  Scotland. He came to Virginia as an indentured servant in 1666 on the
  ship Phoenix of Leith. This is based on the following information:

  1. Purpose and Scope:
  This informal research paper compares seventeenth
  century lists in Scotland and Virginia: 
  (a) Twenty-two Scots on May 1666 Phoenix (sic) of Leith out of Leith,
  port of Edinburgh, Scotland; and Virginia headright lists.
  (b) York County November 1666;
  (c) New Kent County;
  (d) Accomacke County;
  (e) Northumberland County.
  The York County headrights list is a rare ship passenger list of 1666
  Scots from Edinburgh/Leith Scotland to Yorktown. York County Virginia.
  These headrights lists show the abject fallacy of using headrights alone
  to determine where ancestors settled.

  2. Discussion:
  The Edinburgh, Scotland, prison was in Tolbooth(tolbuith),
  and the original Scottish records below are for the

  Scottish Records Office - Relief Book. Apryll 24th 1666 - "warand" for
  action taken in May 4th 1666+23 Apr 1666 citations below:

  May 4th 1666 - Att sight heiroff yew shall delyver ye perssones of
  Charles Davidsone who is incarcerat wtin the tolbuith as ane idle
  vaigabond and a theiff. As also the personne of James Oglevie who is
  incarcerat ffor the samyn fault. And lykewayes the persone of Kaitherine
  Laird who is in prissone as ane nottorious theiff and hoore. As lykwayes
  the persone of James Sheilds who is in prissone wtin the said tolbuith
  and heth concentted to goe to Virginia. To James Gibsone skipper in
  Leith maister of the good ship called Phoenix of Leith who is now
  presentlle bound (god willing) for Virginia. To the end the foir named
  personnes may be transported yr conforme to ye generall order grantted
  be his Grace my Lord Comissioner ffor yt effect and yr pns wt James
  Gibsones recept shall be of sufficeant warrand to yew from vs. Sic sub
  George Suttie & Alexr Sandilands Bailleis (Receipt by James Gibsone is

  fforsamickle as ane warrand given under the hand of his majesties hie
  Comissioners Grace at Lesley the 17th off Apryll instant derect to all
  shireffs of shyrs majestrats of burghes & uyers concerned allowing yame
  to receive all such vagabonds and idell persons that ar not fitt to stay
  in this kingdome And such as ar condemned for Barbadoes be the judge.
  And desyring the majestrats & uthers to give ther concurence & assist
  Robert Learmonth merd in name of severall uyers pairteners in the shipe
  caled the phenix of Leith, yeoff James Gibson is Mr. or Capt bound for
  Virginia in that affaire as the warrand in itselfe at mair lenth. beirs,
  And seeing the persons after mentionat which ar to be transported to
  Virginia be the James Gibson skipper, ar in yor custodie There for Sir
  yee shall upon seyght heirof deliver to the said James Gibsone thes
  persons viz. James Douglas John Kenedie John Wood. Thomas & George
  Turnbulls Alexr. Bruce Patrick Booge John Campbell David Douglas James
  Edgely James Heasty, John Johnstone, Wm Ballmano, Robert Armstrong
  Antony pott, John Williamson, Margratt Tayllor Elizabeth Reed, Which ar
  to be transported be him to Virginia. Wheranent thir presents. Given
  under or hands the Majestrats of Edinburgh under subscribing At
  Edinburgh the 23rd day of Apryll 1666 sic subscribitor George Suttie
  Baylly Alex J. Sandiland baylly ffor Ret Murray guidman of the tolbuth
  of Edr Thes The guidman got bothe warrands delivered after buking
  delivered to him day & dait forsd.

  VA York Co. DOW(04)-109 12 Nov 1666 Ye Importation of 39 + 19 persons
  into ye Collony. source: Photocopies of original - also index cards
  reflecting these deeds, orders, + wills as read by Colonial Williamsburg
  personel. circa 1980 York County Colonial Records Project - also David
  Dobson letter to JMFJr with suggestions on spelling of two names. (Sold
  in York Co. VA) ffargefon, James and ffargefon, JNO

  VA Patent Book 6 page 045 - VA New Kent Co 25 Apr 1667 - Transportation
  60 persons. source: Cavaliers and Pioneers, Nell Marion Nugent, Volume
  two - page 013. (red Herring) Fargeson, James and Fargeson, JNO.

  VA Patent Book 6 page 314 +316 - VA Accomacke Co 6 Oct 1670 - Trans 86
  pers. for 25 people selected from page 314 (names without *)
  VA Patent Book 6 page 482 - VA Accomacke Co - 27 Oct 1673 - Trans 120
  pers. for 11 people selected from page 482 (names with *) sources:
  Cavaliers and Pioneers, Nell Marion Nugent, Volume two - pages 80-81 &
  134-135. Furgeson, James and Forgeson, John.

  VA Patent Book 6 page 259 - VA Northumberland Co. - 29 Oct 1669 - Trans
  41 pers including these 23. sources: Cavaliers and Pioneers, Nell Marion
  Nugent, Volume two - pages 064-065. 

  Compiler: John Markham Ferguson Jr, who researched original Tolbooth
  records in the Scottish Records Office in May 1997. Recently a David
  Dobson (Scottish Writer) letter to JMFJr disclosed Robert Armstrong
  (alias Heathersgill) guilty of theft in Jedburgh before 12 April 1666
  imprisonment in Edinburgh. Anthony Pott of Heidshoip was guilty of same
  crime and treated similarly.

  The Original Scots Colonists of Early America, Supplement: 1607-1707 by
  David Dobson. Page50. Ferguson, John, arrived in York County, Virginia,
  before 12.11.1666, possibly on the Phoenix of Leith, master James
  Gibson. (CWF:YCRP, DOW(04)-109)

  List of names on each of the above documents. Many more names mentioned.
  I only typing a few to show how persons moved around.

  Scottish SRO Spring 1666 VA York County VA New
  Kent County VA Accomacke County VA
  Northumberland County
  12 Nov 1666
  25 Apr 1667
  6 Oct 1670-27 Oct 1673
  29 Oct 1669

  Armstrong, Robert Armstrong, Robt
  Armestrong, Robt Armestrong, Robert
  Bruce, Alexr Brune, Alex
  Brue/Brice, Alexr Bruce, Alex
  Campbell, John
  Cumbell/Cambell, JNO
  Cumbell, JNO
  Davidfone, Charles Davifon, Charles
  Davison, Charles Davison, Charles
  Ffargefon, James
  Fargeson, James Furgeson, James
  Ffargefon, JNO
  Fargeson, JNO Forgeson, John
  Johnstone, John Johnson, John
  Johnson, JNO Johnson, John
  Laird, Kairtherine Laird, Katherine
  Loird, Katherine Laird, Katherine
  Tayllor, Margratt Tailer, Mary
  Tailer, Mary Tayler, Mary
  Wood, John Ward, John
  Ward, JNO
  Ward, John