1840 Census
Ferguson            Harcourt                 MI    Wayne; Nankon
Ferguson            Philene                  MI    Wayne; Nankon
Furgerson           Leander                  MI    Wayne; Plymouth
Furguson            Charles                  MI    Wayne; Van Buren
1850 Census
Ferguson     Albert          24  MI      MI      Wayne; Detroit
Ferguson     Eberly          33  NY      MI      Wayne; Detroit
Ferguson     Elizabeth       20  England MI      Wayne; Detroit
Ferguson     Elizabeth       43  England MI      Wayne; Detroit
Ferguson     Elizabeth       3   MI      MI      Wayne; Detroit
Fergison     Flora           17  Scot.   MI      Wayne; Detroit
Ferguson     Joseph          50  England MI      Wayne; Detroit
Ferguson     Julia           1   MI      MI      Wayne; Detroit
Ferguson     Mary            19  NY      MI      Wayne; Detroit
Ferguson     Nancy           36  NY      MI      Wayne; Detroit
Ferguson     Sarah           18  England MI      Wayne; Detroit
Ferguson     Frederick B     25  MI      MI      Wayne; Ecorse
Ferguson     Jane            14  MI      MI      Wayne; Ecorse
Ferguson     Christian       25  Scot.   MI      Wayne; Hamtramck
Ferguson     David           28  Scot.   MI      Wayne; Hamtramck
Ferguson     Angeline        27  NY      MI      Wayne; Nankin
Furguson     Betrey b        28  NY      MI      Wayne; Nankin
Ferguson     Franklin        13  MI      MI      Wayne; Nankin
Ferguson     Harriet         7   MI      MI      Wayne; Nankin
Ferguson     Louisa J        32  NY      MI      Wayne; Nankin
Furguson     Reuben          24  NY      MI      Wayne; Nankin
Ferguson     Sarah           14  MI      MI      Wayne; Nankin
Ferguson     L Wellington    20  NY      MI      Wayne; Plymouth
Ferguson     Leander         45  NY      MI      Wayne; Plymouth
Ferguson     Maria A         32  NY      MI      Wayne; Plymouth
Fergison     Ann             7   MI      MI      Wayne; Sumpter
Fergison     Charles         15  MI      MI      Wayne; Sumpter
Fergison     Chas            47  Scot.   MI      Wayne; Sumpter
Fergison     Edwin           12  MI      MI      Wayne; Sumpter
Fergison     Hellen          49  NY      MI      Wayne; Sumpter
Fergison     Hellen          20  NY      MI      Wayne; Sumpter
Fergison     James           18  NY      MI      Wayne; Sumpter
Fergison     John            4   MI      MI      Wayne; Sumpter
Fergison     Margaret        23  NY      MI      Wayne; Sumpter
Fergison     Marion          9   MI      MI      Wayne; Sumpter
1860 Census
Ferguson     John            2   Male    Mi     MI      Wayne 10-Wd Detroit
Ferguson     Charles         24  Male    Ny     MI      Wayne 1-Wd Detroit
Ferguson     Julia           28  Female  Pa     MI      Wayne 4-Wd Detroit
Furgeson     E               43  Male    Ny     MI      Wayne 5-Wd Detroit
Ferguson     Eligah          17  Male    Mi     MI      Wayne 5-Wd Detroit
Ferguson     Jane            20  Female  Cana   MI      Wayne 5-Wd Detroit
Ferguson     Maria           57  Female  Cana   MI      Wayne 5-Wd Detroit
Farguson     Nancey          18  Female  Scot   MI      Wayne 5-Wd Detroit
Ferguson     A               36  Male    Mi     MI      Wayne 6-Wd Detroit
Ferguson     Flora           23  Female  Cana   MI      Wayne 6-Wd Detroit
Ferguson     Sarah           20  Female  Cana   MI      Wayne 6-Wd Detroit
Ferguson     Ellon           24  Female  Irel   MI      Wayne 8-Wd Detroit
Ferguson     Joseph          60  Male    Engl   MI      Wayne 8-Wd Detroit
Ferguson     Robt            29  Male    Ny     MI      Wayne 9-Wd Detroit
Ferguson     Samuel          23  Male    Scot   MI      Wayne 9-Wd Detroit
Fargeson     Fred            34  Male    Mi     MI      Wayne Ecorse
Furgison     Jane            18  Female  Mi     MI      Wayne Ecorse
Furgison     Leander         54  Male    Ny     MI      Wayne Ecorse
Furgueson    Jeminer         60  Female  Irel   MI      Wayne Greenfield
Ferguson     John            28  Male    Scot   MI      Wayne Hamtramck
Ferguson     David           36  Male    Ny     MI      Wayne Nankin
Ferguson     Julius F        23  Male    Mi     MI      Wayne Nankin
Ferguson     Louisa          43  Female  Ny     MI      Wayne Nankin
Ferguson     Reuben          34  Male    Ny     MI      Wayne Nankin
Furgeson     Charles         65  Male    Scot   MI      Wayne Sumpter
1870 Census
Ferguson     Margaret        13  Female  Mi     MI      Wayne 10-Wd Detroit
Ferguson     Sophia          18  Female  Mi     MI      Wayne 10-Wd Detroit
Ferguson     Albert          30  Male    Irel   MI      Wayne 1-Wd Detroit
Ferguson     Charles         33  Male    Ny     MI      Wayne 1-Wd Detroit
Ferguson     Maggie          20  Female  Cana   MI      Wayne 1-Wd Detroit
Ferguson     Mary            23  Female  Oh     MI      Wayne 1-Wd Detroit
Ferguson     Robert          27  Male    Cana   MI      Wayne 2-Wd Detroit
Ferguson     Leander         65  Male    Ny     MI      Wayne 2-Wd Wyandotte
Ferguson     Sarah           19  Female  Cana   MI      Wayne 3-Wd Detroit
Ferguson     Julia           48  Female  Pa     MI      Wayne 4-Wd Detroit
Furguson     Erelsey         51  Male    Ny     MI      Wayne 5-Wd Detroit
Ferguson     Kate            20  Female  Scot   MI      Wayne 5-Wd Detroit
Ferguson     Lydia           81  Female  Ny     MI      Wayne 5-Wd Detroit
Ferguson     Moriss          67  Female  Cana   MI      Wayne 5-Wd Detroit
Ferguson     Robert          45  Male    Mi     MI      Wayne 5-Wd Detroit
Ferguson     Clara           22  Female  Mi     MI      Wayne 6-Wd Detroit
Ferguson     Philo           33  Male    Mi     MI      Wayne 6-Wd Detroit
Fergusson    Samuel          30  Male    Scot   MI      Wayne 6-Wd Detroit
Fergusson    Thomas          22  Male    Cana   MI      Wayne 6-Wd Detroit
Ferguson     Alexander       40  Male    Scot   MI      Wayne 7-Wd Detroit
Farguson     Thomas          34  Male    Cana   MI      Wayne 7-Wd Detroit
Ferguson     Daniel          49  Male    Mi     MI      Wayne 8-Wd Detroit
Furguson     Jane            18  Female  Irel   MI      Wayne 8-Wd Detroit
Fargarson    Jennet          73  Female  Scot   MI      Wayne 8-Wd Detroit
Ferguson     Joseph          70  Male    Engl   MI      Wayne 8-Wd Detroit
Fargurson    Robert          75  Male    Scot   MI      Wayne 8-Wd Detroit
Fargurson    Robert          75  Male    Scot   MI      Wayne 8-Wd Detroit
Furgerson    David           39  Male    Engl   MI      Wayne 9-Wd Detroit
Furguson     Donald          33  Male    Scot   MI      Wayne 9-Wd Detroit
Ferguson     John            25  Male    Scot   MI      Wayne 9-Wd Detroit
Furguson     John            54  Male    Scot   MI      Wayne 9-Wd Detroit
Furguson     John            45  Male    Irel   MI      Wayne 9-Wd Detroit
Furguson     William         25  Male    Cana   MI      Wayne 9-Wd Detroit
Fergerson    James           35  Male    Cana   MI      Wayne Dearborn
Ferguson     Fred            46  Male    Mi     MI      Wayne Ecorse
Furgeson     William         42  Male    Scot   MI      Wayne Greenfield Twp
Ferguson     John            37  Male    Scot   MI      Wayne Hamtramck Twp
Furgison     Frank           34  Male    Mi     MI      Wayne Nankin Twp
Ferguson     John            15  Male    Mi     MI      Wayne Nankin Twp
Ferguson     Louisa          40  Female  Ny     MI      Wayne Nankin Twp
Furgison     Maria           40  Female  Cana   MI      Wayne Nankin Twp
Ferguson     William         50  Male    Scot   MI      Wayne Springwell
Ferguson     Charles         70  Male    Scot   MI      Wayne Van Buren
1900 Census
Ferguson        James            63  Male    Engl    MI      Wayne 10-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        John             36  Male    Cana    MI      Wayne 10-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        John             53  Male    Scot    MI      Wayne 10-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Joseph           68  Male    Cana    MI      Wayne 10-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Margaret         47  Female  Mi      MI      Wayne 10-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Mary D           25  Female  Mi      MI      Wayne 10-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Millard          6   Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 10-Wd Detroit
Furguson        William          45  Male    Scot    MI      Wayne 10-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Zita             10  Female  Mi      MI      Wayne 10-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Gilbert          84  Male    Ny      MI      Wayne 11-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Peter            32  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 11-Wd Detroit
Furguson        Ann              63  Female  Engl    MI      Wayne 12-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Anna             20  Female  Cana    MI      Wayne 12-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        John J           46  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 12-Wd Detroit
Farguson        Mary             30  Female  Cana    MI      Wayne 12-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        William E        42  Male    Ny      MI      Wayne 12-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Andrew           41  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 13-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        George           29  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 13-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Josephine        10  Female  Mi      MI      Wayne 13-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Maria            66  Female  Irel    MI      Wayne 13-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        James B          38  Male    Cana    MI      Wayne 14-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Thomas           32  Male    Md      MI      Wayne 15-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Archie           42  Male    Cana    MI      Wayne 16-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        George           41  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 16-Wd Detroit
Farguharson     James            34  Male    Cana    MI      Wayne 16-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Thomas           54  Male    Scot    MI      Wayne 16-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        William          40  Male    Cana    MI      Wayne 16-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Edward A         58  Male    Ny      MI      Wayne 17-Wd Detroit
Fergason        Peter            45  Male    Cana    MI      Wayne 17-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Charles H        77  Male    Cana    MI      Wayne 1-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Harry            27  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 1-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        James            19  Male    Cana    MI      Wayne 1-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        James            28  Male    Oh      MI      Wayne 1-Wd Detroit
Fergerson       John             42  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 1-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Archabald W      42  Male    Cana    MI      Wayne 2-Wd Detroit
Farguson        George A         18  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 2-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        James            35  Male    Scot    MI      Wayne 2-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        John P           40  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 2-Wd Detroit
Furguson        Mary             20  Female  Mi      MI      Wayne 2-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Crhistopher      48  Male    Me      MI      Wayne 3-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Harvey           29  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 3-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Livina           65  Female  Cana    MI      Wayne 3-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Roth             24  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 3-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        William          72  Male    Scot    MI      Wayne 3-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Albert           77  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 4-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        David            40  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 4-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        David            30  Male    Scot    MI      Wayne 4-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        George B         44  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 4-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Ida              28  Female  Ny      MI      Wayne 4-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        James W          29  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 4-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Norman           58  Male    Cana    MI      Wayne 4-Wd Detroit
Furgeson        George Jr        35  Male    Ny      MI      Wayne 5-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Daniel J         47  Male    Cana    MI      Wayne 6-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Edward           30  Male    Ny      MI      Wayne 6-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Edward B         29  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 6-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Florence         16  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 6-Wd Detroit
Fergerson       Henry W          65  Male    Ny      MI      Wayne 6-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Nitter           16  Female  Cana    MI      Wayne 6-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Stephen A        43  Male    Engl    MI      Wayne 6-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Ellen            60  Female  Irel    MI      Wayne 7-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Minerva          55  Female  Pa      MI      Wayne 7-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Rhoda            68  Female  Ny      MI      Wayne 7-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        William N        27  Male    Cana    MI      Wayne 7-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Dora             37  Female  Mi      MI      Wayne 8-Wd Detroit
Furgesson       G S              42  Male    Cana    MI      Wayne 8-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        George A         29  Male    Il      MI      Wayne 8-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        James            26  Male    Ny      MI      Wayne 8-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Marie            37  Female  Irel    MI      Wayne 8-Wd Detroit
Fergeson        Thomas           55  Male    Scot    MI      Wayne 8-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        William B        45  Male    Scot    MI      Wayne 8-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Albert           45  Male    Cana    MI      Wayne 9-Wd Detroit
Fergeson        Joseph           65  Male    Cana    MI      Wayne Brownstown Twp
Furgison        Fannie           65  Female  Ny      MI      Wayne Canton Twp
Ferguson        F Saul           38  Male    Cana    MI      Wayne Ecorse Twp
Ferguson        Samuel           64  Male    Scot    MI      Wayne Grosse Pointe
Ferguson        William          45  Male    Ma      MI      Wayne Grosse Pointe
Ferguson        George           65  Male    Scot    MI      Wayne Hamtramck Twp
Ferguson        Thomas           36  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne Hamtramck Twp
Ferguson        Harry            44  Male    Pa      MI      Wayne House Of Correction
Ferguson        W S              39  Male    Cana    MI      Wayne Huron Twp
Ferguson        Milo             5   Male    Mi      MI      Wayne Livonia Twp
Ferguson        Rusy             17  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne Monguagon Twp
Ferguerson      Walter           60  Male    Cana    MI      Wayne Nankin
Ferguson        Druilla B        35  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne Springwells Twp
Ferguson        James            65  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne Van Buren Twp
1910 Census
Ferguson        Daniel           56  Male    Cana    MI      Wayne 10-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Irene Siste      27  Female  Irel    MI      Wayne 10-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Jean             50  Female  Scot    MI      Wayne 10-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        John A           40  Male    Cana    MI      Wayne 10-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        John S           45  Male    Cana    MI      Wayne 10-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Margaret         55  Female  Mi      MI      Wayne 10-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Marie B          40  Female  Irel    MI      Wayne 10-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Samuel W         51  Male    Cana    MI      Wayne 10-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Sarah Siste      36  Female  Irel    MI      Wayne 10-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        William          61  Male    Scot    MI      Wayne 10-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Alvin            30  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 11-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Elmer I          33  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 11-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Marie            32  Female  Mi      MI      Wayne 11-Wd Detroit
Farguson        John J           55  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 12-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Ann              77  Female  Engl    MI      Wayne 12-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Thomas W         33  Male    Cana    MI      Wayne 12-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        William          51  Male    Ny      MI      Wayne 12-Wd Detroit
Fergeson        George           38  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 13-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Amalia           51  Female  Mi      MI      Wayne 13-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        George           37  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 13-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Joseph L         44  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 13-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Marjorie         13  Female  Mo      MI      Wayne 13-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Solomon F        48  Male    Cana    MI      Wayne 13-Wd Detroit
Farguharson     John             70  Male    Cana    MI      Wayne 14-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        James R          48  Male    Cana    MI      Wayne 14-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Joseph           76  Male    Cana    MI      Wayne 14-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Lester I         29  Male    Ny      MI      Wayne 14-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Sarah A          62  Female  Irel    MI      Wayne 14-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        William          47  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 14-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Frank W          44  Male    Cana    MI      Wayne 15-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        James A          33  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 15-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        William          43  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 15-Wd Detroit
Furgeson        Edward           24  Male    Fran    MI      Wayne 15-Wd Detroit
Fergueson       Alet J           41  Male    In      MI      Wayne 16-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Archie           51  Male    Cana    MI      Wayne 16-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        John P           28  Male    Cana    MI      Wayne 16-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Louis            35  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 16-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Thomas           63  Male    Scot    MI      Wayne 16-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        William          50  Male    Cana    MI      Wayne 16-Wd Detroit
Furgeson        James            25  Male    Cana    MI      Wayne 16-Wd Detroit
Ferguerson      Louise           82  Female  Cana    MI      Wayne 17-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Cara D           31  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 17-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Edward A         68  Male    Ny      MI      Wayne 17-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Edward B         39  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 17-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Fannie           ??  Female  MI      MI      Wayne 17-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        James            73  Male    Ny      MI      Wayne 17-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Margaret         21  Female  Cana    MI      Wayne 17-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Margarett C      21  Female  Cana    MI      Wayne 17-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Mary B           29  Female  Cana    MI      Wayne 17-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Sarah J          25  Female  Cana    MI      Wayne 17-Wd Detroit
Fergusson       Margaretta       25  Female  Scot    MI      Wayne 17-Wd Detroit
Furgerson       John             49  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 17-Wd Detroit
Furguson        Philo L          28  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 17-Wd Detroit
Fergeson        Joseph           46  Male    Aust    MI      Wayne 18-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Perry W          27  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 18-Wd Detroit
Furguson        John E           28  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 18-Wd Detroit
Fergerson       David H          40  Male    Scot    MI      Wayne 1-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Charles H        66  Male    Cana    MI      Wayne 1-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Irene            22  Female  Mi      MI      Wayne 1-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        John G           50  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 1-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Mary             28  Female  Cana    MI      Wayne 1-Wd Detroit
Fergeson        Josephine        53  Female  Mi      MI      Wayne 2-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Clifton E        22  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 2-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Cora             22  Female  Mi      MI      Wayne 2-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        George E         38  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 2-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Jean Clarke      43  Female  Cana    MI      Wayne 2-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        John             53  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 2-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        John             22  Male    Ri      MI      Wayne 2-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Matilda          55  Female  In      MI      Wayne 2-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Murray H         26  Male    Cana    MI      Wayne 2-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Nellie A         62  Female  Oh      MI      Wayne 2-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Doarn P          47  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 3-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Donald M         28  Male    Oh      MI      Wayne 3-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Katherine        51  Female  Mi      MI      Wayne 3-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        William          82  Male    Scot    MI      Wayne 3-Wd Detroit
Fergusson       Christ           58  Male    Scot    MI      Wayne 3-Wd Detroit
Fergerson       Agnes M          25  Female  Mi      MI      Wayne 4-Wd Detroit
Fergerson       Albert W         20  Male    Ut      MI      Wayne 4-Wd Detroit
Fergerson       Fred             38  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 4-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Andrew P         35  Male    Cana    MI      Wayne 4-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Cora M           22  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 4-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Eva              48  Female  Mi      MI      Wayne 4-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Fred C           33  Male    Il      MI      Wayne 4-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Mary E           39  Female  Cana    MI      Wayne 4-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Roland M         30  Male    Cana    MI      Wayne 4-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Sarah            26  Female  Mi      MI      Wayne 4-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Thelma           15  Female  Mi      MI      Wayne 4-Wd Detroit
Fergusson       Archibold        67  Male    Cana    MI      Wayne 4-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Al J             27  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 5-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Peter            54  Male    Cana    MI      Wayne 5-Wd Detroit
Fargarson       Harry            33  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 6-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Elizabeth D      75  Female  Ny      MI      Wayne 6-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Fergus           32  Male    Cana    MI      Wayne 6-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Harry            50  Male    Wi      MI      Wayne 6-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Ira              32  Male    Oh      MI      Wayne 6-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Mabel            22  Female  Mi      MI      Wayne 6-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Mark B           37  Male    Cana    MI      Wayne 6-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Reginald W       40  Male    Cana    MI      Wayne 6-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        George           32  Male    Cana    MI      Wayne 7-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        George B         44  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 7-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Frank E          58  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 8-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        George S         53  Male    Cana    MI      Wayne 8-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        James            35  Male    Ny      MI      Wayne 8-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        John             29  Male    Cana    MI      Wayne 8-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        John             18  Male    Cana    MI      Wayne 8-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Lee J            28  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 8-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Orin C           53  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 8-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Roger H          30  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 8-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Thomas F         32  Male    Mo      MI      Wayne 8-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Walter A         34  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 8-Wd Detroit
Fergusson       Robert           63  Male    Scot    MI      Wayne 8-Wd Detroit
Furgison        Gertrude         26  Female  Cana    MI      Wayne 8-Wd Detroit
Furguson        Gwendoline       38  Female  Cana    MI      Wayne 8-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Elmer            20  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 9-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        George           43  Male    Ny      MI      Wayne 9-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Mary             67  Female  Scot    MI      Wayne 9-Wd Detroit
Fargurson       Mary             75  Female  Irel    MI      Wayne Brownstown Twp
Fargurson       Mary             75  Female  Irel    MI      Wayne Brownstown Twp
Ferguson        Daniel           24  Male    Scot    MI      Wayne Ecorse Twp
Ferguson        William T        38  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne Greenfield Twp
Ferguson        James            39  Male    Us      MI      Wayne Grosse Pointe Twp
Ferguson        Mary             45  Female  Mi      MI      Wayne Hamtramck
Ferguson        Mary             52  Female  Cana    MI      Wayne Nankin Twp
Ferguson        Nellie R         49  Female  Mi      MI      Wayne Nankin Twp
Ferguson        Byron            47  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne Northville Twp
Ferguson        Milo D           14  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne Northville Twp
Ferguson        James            74  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne Van Buren Twp
1920 Census
Fergason        John             49  Male    In      MI      Wayne 10-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Alice            52  Female  Mi      MI      Wayne 10-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Donald           55  Male    Scot    MI      Wayne 10-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Sophia           66  Female  Nj      MI      Wayne 10-Wd Detroit
Furgeson        Andrew           19  Male    In      MI      Wayne 11-Wd Detroit
Furgeson        Lucy             46  Female  Wi      MI      Wayne 11-Wd Detroit
Furgeson        William          36  Male    Ma      MI      Wayne 11-Wd Detroit
Fergeson        Marie            62  Female  Cana    MI      Wayne 11-Wd Detroit
Fergueson       John             50  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 12-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        ??? W            45  Male    Scot    MI      Wayne 12-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Alfred           23  Male    Ny      MI      Wayne 12-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Charles          39  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 12-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Charles L        31  Male    Oh      MI      Wayne 12-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Thomas W         46  Male    Cana    MI      Wayne 12-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Ulysees G        46  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 12-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        William          62  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 12-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Ralph C          22  Male    In      MI      Wayne 13-Wd Detroit
Fergerson       William          50  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 14-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Charles R        38  Male    Oh      MI      Wayne 14-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Robena           55  Female  Cana    MI      Wayne 14-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Robert C         32  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 14-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Robert C         32  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 14-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Robert E         34  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 14-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Albert E         47  Male    Il      MI      Wayne 15-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Amalia Mrs       61  Female  Mi      MI      Wayne 15-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Mary             76  Female  Scot    MI      Wayne 15-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Michael          37  Male    In      MI      Wayne 15-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Murray           36  Male    Cana    MI      Wayne 15-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Nellie           59  Female  Mi      MI      Wayne 15-Wd Detroit
Furguson        William          56  Male    Pa      MI      Wayne 15-Wd Detroit
Fergeson        Robert           39  Male    Pa      MI      Wayne 15-Wd Detroit
Fergarson       Harry F          33  Male    Cana    MI      Wayne 16-Wd Detroit
Fergurson       Albert           42  Male    In      MI      Wayne 16-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Andrew           19  Male    Va      MI      Wayne 16-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Archie           61  Male    Cana    MI      Wayne 16-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Thomas           73  Male    Scot    MI      Wayne 16-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        William          60  Male    Cana    MI      Wayne 16-Wd Detroit
Furgeson        Margaret         38  Female  Mi      MI      Wayne 16-Wd Detroit
Fergeson        John J           69  Male    Ia      MI      Wayne 16-Wd Detroit
Fergurson       John             50  Male    In      MI      Wayne 16-Wd Detroit 1920
Ferguson        Andrew           24  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 17-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Carey D          40  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 17-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Cornelia         19  Female  Mi      MI      Wayne 17-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Mary             55  Female  Cana    MI      Wayne 17-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Peter            64  Male    Cana    MI      Wayne 17-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Ralph            28  Male    Pa      MI      Wayne 17-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Robert           41  Male    Scot    MI      Wayne 17-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Selma            52  Female  Rhin    MI      Wayne 17-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Solmon           57  Male    Cana    MI      Wayne 17-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        William M        57  Male    Ny      MI      Wayne 17-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        W Perry          37  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 18-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Walter           28  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 18-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        William          43  Male    In      MI      Wayne 18-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Alfred           34  Male    Cana    MI      Wayne 19-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Andrew P         46  Male    Cana    MI      Wayne 19-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Charles          35  Male    Ny      MI      Wayne 19-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Donald           40  Male    Scot    MI      Wayne 19-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Mary             46  Female  Irel    MI      Wayne 19-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Phoebe           88  Female  Ny      MI      Wayne 19-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        William J        37  Male    Irel    MI      Wayne 19-Wd Detroit
Furgeson        Charles          44  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 19-Wd Detroit
Fergeuson       Ben              36  Male    Russ    MI      Wayne 1-Wd Detroit
Fergison        Joseph           56  Male    Ny      MI      Wayne 1-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        A L              37  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 1-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        A L              33  Female  Mo      MI      Wayne 1-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Arthur           30  Male    Mn      MI      Wayne 1-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Carl Hayden      30  Male    Ky      MI      Wayne 1-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Miss             ??  Female  ??      MI      Wayne 1-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Peter            60  Male    Ny      MI      Wayne 1-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Samuel           83  Male    Scot    MI      Wayne 1-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        William          41  Male    Scot    MI      Wayne 1-Wd Detroit
Fergison        George           26  Male    Mo      MI      Wayne 1-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Milo             26  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 20-Wd Detroit
Farguson        George           40  Male    Scot    MI      Wayne 21-Wd Detroit
Fergerson       Orvin            13  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 21-Wd Detroit
Fergurson       Thomas A         46  Male    Engl    MI      Wayne 21-Wd Detroit
Fergusen        Willie           29  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 21-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Albert J         37  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 21-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Alexander        25  Male    Scot    MI      Wayne 21-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Althon           22  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 21-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Philo            38  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 21-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Reginold         17  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 21-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Reuben           39  Male    Cana    MI      Wayne 21-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Robert W         28  Male    Scot    MI      Wayne 21-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Thomas           18  Male    Nj      MI      Wayne 21-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Walter           28  Male    Sd      MI      Wayne 21-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        William          52  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 21-Wd Detroit
Fergusson       John             29  Male    Scot    MI      Wayne 21-Wd Detroit
Fergerson       Donald A         14  Male    Cana    MI      Wayne 2-Wd Detroit
Fergerson       Edith            5   Female  Cana    MI      Wayne 2-Wd Detroit
Fergerson       Edith            38  Female  Cana    MI      Wayne 2-Wd Detroit
Fergurson       Margret          50  Female  Ny      MI      Wayne 2-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Catherine        33  Female  Cana    MI      Wayne 2-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Raymond Claude   37  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 2-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        William B        35  Male    Il      MI      Wayne 2-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        William J        47  Male    Oh      MI      Wayne 2-Wd Detroit
Furgerson       Grace            19  Female  Mi      MI      Wayne 2-Wd Detroit
Furgerson       Scott            22  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 2-Wd Detroit
Furgeson        Georgia          21  Female  Mi      MI      Wayne 2-Wd Detroit
Furgeson        John S           27  Male    Al      MI      Wayne 2-Wd Detroit
Fergeson        William          40  Male    Scot    MI      Wayne 3-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Alexander        31  Male    Scot    MI      Wayne 3-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Mary E           40  Female  Cana    MI      Wayne 3-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Robert           44  Male    Cana    MI      Wayne 3-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        William          40  Male    Scot    MI      Wayne 3-Wd Detroit
Fergerson       George B         54  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 4-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Almira           24  Female  Il      MI      Wayne 4-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Charles          28  Male    Il      MI      Wayne 4-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        David            72  Male    Cana    MI      Wayne 4-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Robert           27  Male    Il      MI      Wayne 4-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Ronald M         38  Male    Cana    MI      Wayne 4-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Stanton          51  Male    Cana    MI      Wayne 4-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        William          26  Male    Ky      MI      Wayne 4-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        William          55  Male    Cana    MI      Wayne 4-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        William A        60  Male    Oh      MI      Wayne 4-Wd Detroit
Furguson        Patrick          28  Male    Irel    MI      Wayne 4-Wd Wyandotte
Ferguson        Walter           19  Male    Pa      MI      Wayne 5-Wd Detroit
Fergenson       Perry            39  Male    Russ    MI      Wayne 6-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Ada              24  Female  Mi      MI      Wayne 6-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Ann              33  Female  Mi      MI      Wayne 6-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Anna             25  Female  Ny      MI      Wayne 6-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Bessie           27  Female  Mi      MI      Wayne 6-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Nelson G         36  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 6-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Norman           22  Male    Il      MI      Wayne 6-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        R H              35  Male    Cana    MI      Wayne 6-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Ralph            39  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 6-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Ralph            40  Male    Ny      MI      Wayne 6-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Reginald         56  Male    Ia      MI      Wayne 6-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Richard          34  Male    Ny      MI      Wayne 6-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Sam              61  Male    Cana    MI      Wayne 6-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        William          30  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 6-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Mary             49  Female  Mi      MI      Wayne 6-Wd Detroit; Tuberculosis San
Ferguson        Bertha M         35  Female  Cana    MI      Wayne 7-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Orlando J        38  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 7-Wd Detroit
Fergeson        Willis           19  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 8-Wd Detroit
Fergueson       Charley D        46  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 8-Wd Detroit
Fergueson       Frank            30  Male    Il      MI      Wayne 8-Wd Detroit
Fergueson       Gerald           21  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 8-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Anna             26  Female  Cana    MI      Wayne 8-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Clifton E        32  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 8-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Daniel           28  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 8-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Ray L            28  Male    Wv      MI      Wayne 8-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Robert C         45  Male    Pa      MI      Wayne 8-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Sarah E          68  Female  Cana    MI      Wayne 8-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Sarah E          37  Female  Mi      MI      Wayne 8-Wd Detroit
Furgerson       Dan              46  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 8-Wd Detroit
Furgeson        Ella             50  Female  Mi      MI      Wayne 8-Wd Detroit
Furgeson        Frank            54  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 8-Wd Detroit
Fergeson        Benjamin         15  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 8-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Robert J         37  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne 9-Wd Detroit
Ferguson        Charles          21  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne Brownstown
Fergusson       Joseph           50  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne Brownstown
Ferguson        William          20  Male    Cana    MI      Wayne Dearborn
Ferguson        Anna             49  Female  Mi      MI      Wayne Ecorse
Furgeson        Richard          55  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne Ecorse
Furgenson       George           46  Male    Engl    MI      Wayne Grosse Pointe Farms  Grosse Po
Ferguson        Sadie            35  Female  Cana    MI      Wayne Grosse Pointe Farms; Grosse Po
Farguharson     David            37  Male    Scot    MI      Wayne Highland Park
Fergason        Marie            64  Female  Cana    MI      Wayne Highland Park
Fergurson       Micheal          48  Male    Cana    MI      Wayne Highland Park
Ferguson        Anna             24  Female  Cana    MI      Wayne Highland Park
Ferguson        Carl O           31  Male    In      MI      Wayne Highland Park
Ferguson        Clark            65  Male    Cana    MI      Wayne Highland Park
Ferguson        Coutney J        30  Male    Pa      MI      Wayne Highland Park
Ferguson        Donald           37  Male    Oh      MI      Wayne Highland Park
Ferguson        Phebe            45  Female  Mi      MI      Wayne Highland Park
Ferguson        Thomas           40  Male    Mo      MI      Wayne Highland Park
Ferguson        Wesley           20  Male    Pa      MI      Wayne Highland Park
Ferguson        Thomas           44  Male    Mi      MI      Wayne Nankin
Fergeson        George D         38  Male    Cana    MI      Wayne Northville  Detroit Board Of H
Ferguson        Charles W        47  Male    Ny      MI      Wayne Plymouth
Fergusson       Joseph           24  Male    Irel    MI      Wayne River Rouge  Ecorse Twp
Fergerson       Don              33  Male    Scot    MI      Wayne River Rouge Ecorse Twp
Ferguson        Dan              42  Male    Ky      MI      Wayne River Rouge; Ecorse Twp

WAYNE CO., MI 1850
FERGUSON, Angiline     NANKIN TWP          #  685
FERGUSON, Betsey B.    NANKIN TWP          #  685
FERGUSON, Charles*     SUMPTER TWP         #  850
FERGUSON, Eberly       DETROIT CTY         #  147
FERGUSON, Frederick B. ECORSE TWP          #  923
FERGUSON, Jane         ECORSE TWP          #  921
FERGUSON, Joseph       DETROIT CTY         #  121
FERGUSON, Leander      PLYMOUTH TWP        #  728
FERGUSON, Sarah        DETROIT CTY         #  121

1850/1854 Census--Michigan
Ferguson , Harcourt
County: Wayne
Township: Unknown
Age: 42
Birth NY
Cause of Death: CONSUMPTION
Ferguson , Eberly
County: Wayne
Township: Detroit Cty
Ferguson , Joseph
County: Wayne
Township: Detroit Cty
Ferguson , Sarah
County: Wayne
Township: Detroit Cty
Ferguson , Joseph
County: Wayne
Roll:M432_365 Page :121
Township: Detroit Cty
Ferguson , Sarah
County: Wayne
Roll:M432_365 Page :121
Township: Detroit Cty
Ferguson , Eberly
County: Wayne
Roll:M432_365 Page :147
Township: Detroit Cty
Ferguson , Frederick B.
County: Wayne
Township: Ecorse Twp
Ferguson , Jane
County: Wayne
Township: Ecorse Twp
Ferguson , Jane
County: Wayne
Roll:M432_366 Page : 921
Township: Ecorse Twp
Ferguson , Frederick B.
County: Wayne
Roll:M432_366 Page : 923
Township: Ecorse Twp
Ferguson , Angiline
County: Wayne
Township: Nankin Twp
Ferguson , Betsey B.
County: Wayne
Township: Nankin Twp
Ferguson , Angiline
County: Wayne
Roll:M432_366 Page : 685
Township: Nankin Twp
Ferguson , Betsey B.
County: Wayne
Roll:M432_366 Page : 685
Township: Nankin Twp
Ferguson , Leander
County: Wayne
Township: Plymouth Twp
Ferguson , Leander
County: Wayne
Roll:M432_366 Page : 728
Township: Plymouth Twp
Ferguson , Charles
County: Wayne
Township: Sumpter Twp
Ferguson , Charles
County: Wayne
Roll:M432_366 Page : 850
Township: Sumpter Twp

WAYNE CO., MI 1854
FERGUSON, Angiline     NANKIN TWP          #
FERGUSON, Betsey B.    NANKIN TWP          #
FERGUSON, Charles*     SUMPTER TWP         #
FERGUSON, Eberly       DETROIT CTY         #
FERGUSON, Frederick B. ECORSE TWP          #
FERGUSON, Jane         ECORSE TWP          #
FERGUSON, Joseph       DETROIT CTY         #
FERGUSON, Leander      PLYMOUTH TWP        #
FERGUSON, Sarah        DETROIT CTY         #